Film Information


Fantawild Animation Inc., HG Entertainment, China Film Co. Ltd., Wanda Film and Lian Ray Pictures’ Boonie Bears: Mumma Ki Khoj (animation; dubbed form the Chinese film of the same name) is a lost-and-found story.

Bunnu and Munnu had lost their mother, Barbara, in their childhood. Now grown up, they set out in search of her. In their search, they do find her but get to know things about her which they never knew earlier. What is the reality about Barbara? Do Barbara, Bunnu and Munnu live happily ever after?

Tiezhi Cui, Zhenjie Liu and Yen Xu have written a story mainly targeted at the kiddie audience. The drama is fairly interesting but Barbara’s disappearance twice looks a bit too much. At times, the screenplay appears too childish. Dialogues are so-so.

Animation is lovely. Yongchang Lin and Heqi Shao’s direction is nice. Kate Qin and Zhiping Li’s music is commonplace. Heqi Shao and Zhequn Dong’s art direction is proper. Jinyang Tang and Yanping Huang’s editing is crisp. Dubbing is nice.

On the whole, Boonie Bears: Mumma Ki Khoj is an average entertainer but will remain a non-starter because of complete lack of promotion.

Released on 10-5-’24 at Movie Time Goregaon (daily 1 show) of Bombay thru Ultra Media & Entertainment. Publicity & opening: poor. …….Also released all over. Opening was disastrous everywhere.

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