Home Reviews ‘LOVE IN UKRAINE’ REVIEW | 27 May, 2022


Kamal Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. and Neole Films’ Love In Ukraine (UA) is the story of an Indian boy who gets married to his Russian girlfriend but the girlfriend’s family has its reasons for not approving of the union. The family now decides to kill the boy.

Nitin Kumar Gupta and Vishal Om Prakash have written a story and screenplay which beat the treaden path. Consequently, the drama is very predictable. The duo’s dialogues are routine.

Vipin Kaushik is average. Liza Gedzyra does an ordinary job. Ruslan Seferov, Mikhael Striga, Lolita Zhuravlova, Roman Batrin, Yura Derenevskyi, Mile Kadem and Irma Balan lend dull support.

Nitin Kumar Gupta and Vishal Om Prakash’s direction is terribly weak. The former’s music score is functional. Lyrics (Shadab Akhtar) are average. Background music (Nitin Kumar Gupta, Shadab Akhtar and Dhrubajyoti Das) is routine. Camerawork (Artem Kupchynski and Andrew Eremenko) is good. The foreign locales on which the film is shot are picturesque. Yuri Derenevsky and Mikhael Striga’s action and stunt scenes are alright. Nitin Kumar Gupta’s editing leaves something to be desired.

On the whole, Love In Ukraine will not get the love of the audience.

Released on 27-5-’22 at Cinepolis Andheri (daily 1 show) and other cinemas of Bombay thru White Lion Entertainment. Publicity: almost non-existent. Opening: terribly weak. Shows were cancelled in most of the cinemas of Bombay on the first day due to lack of audience. …….Also released all over. Opening was poor everywhere.

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