Malayalam author and filmmaker M.T. Vasudevan Nair will be decorated posthumously with the Padma Vibhushan. Bihari singer Sharda Sinha (posthumously) and violinist L. Subramaniam, Kavita Krishnamoorthy’s husband, will also be given the Padma Vibhushan. The list of winners of the Padma awards for 2025 were announced yesterday on the eve of the Republic Day.
In the list of the people selected is Shekhar Kapur who has been chosen for the Padma Bhushan. Actors Anant Nag, Ajith Kumar and Nandamuri Balakrishna, Malayalam film actress Shobhana, and singer Pankaj Udhas (posthumously) have also been selected for the same award.
Singers Arijit Singh and Jaspinder Narula, singer-composer Ricky Kej, and actor Ashok Saraf will be decorated with the Padma Shri.