DreamWorks Animation’s Puss In Boots: The Last Wish (dubbed from the Hollywood film of the same name; animation) is a sequel to Puss In Boots (2011) and the sixth in the Shrek franchise.

Set after Shrek Forever After (2010), the story follows Puss in Boots as he goes on a journey to find the mystical last wish for the wishing star by joining forces with his friends, Kitty Softpaws and Perrito. His aim is to restore the earlier eight of his nine lives that he lost, against a group, an individual and a mysterious wolf who plans to hunt him down for his last life. The group consists of Goldilocks and the Three Bears Crime Family. The individual is Big Jack Horner.

The wishing star is a magical fallen star which can grant any single wish. Its map has been delivered to Jack Horner, a corrupt collector of magical artefacts. Puss overhears the three bears and Goldilocks talking about it, and decides to exploit the opportunity to restore his previous eight lives. This map leads Puss, Kitty Softpaws and dog Perrito to the Dark Forest, a dimension which morphs into different landscapes for different holders of the map. Jack Horner, The Three Bears Crime Family and Puss (with his companions) keep getting the map in their hands and losing it to the other. What happens finally?

Tommy Swerdlow and Tom Wheeler have written an interesting story but which is also a bit confusing. The screenplay, by Paul Fisher and Tommy Swerdlow, is fast-paced and engrossing. It has several confrontation and action/stunt scenes, which are enjoyable. However, the fact remains that all the characters are animation ones and computer-generated, which is a major minus point for Hindi cinema audience because they aren’t used to watching animation characters in films.

Voice acting of all the characters is good.

Joel Crawford’s direction is impressive. He has been able to convey the emotions of the characters beautifully. Heitor Pereira’s music is very appealing. Animation is extraordinary. James Ryan’s editing is sharp. Dubbing is nice.

On the whole, Puss In Boots: The Last Wish is an entertaining fare but being an animation film, it has major limitations for the Hindi film-going audience.

Released on 20-1-’23 at Metro Inox (3D; daily 1 show) and other cinemas of Bombay thru Warner Bros. Pictures (India) Pvt. Ltd. Publicity: weak. Opening: dull. …….Also released all over. The original English version, released simultaneously, will do better in big multiplexes.

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