Veteran Telugu film actor Vijaya Rangaraju alias Raj Kumar died of heart attack today (20th January) in Madras. He had reportedly suffered an injury last week during a film shooting in Hyderabad. His last rites will be performed in Madras.
Vijaya is survived by two daughters. Before venturing into films, Raj Kumar worked in many stage plays. He was well-known for his supporting and negative roles in Telugu and Malayalam films. His breakthrough came in Nandamuri Balakrishna’s Telugu film, Bhairava Dweepam. He entered Telugu cinema with Bapu’s Seetha Kalyanam. Among his other well-known films are Yagnam, Ashoka Chakravarthy, State Rowdy and Vijay.
Apart from acting in films, Vijaya Rangaraju was very passionate about weight-lifting and body-building.