Film Information

YOU ASKED IT | 1 December, 2023

Why did the producers of Sam Bahadur release it this week in opposition of Animal? Don’t you think, the clash could have been avoided?

– The clash between ANIMAL and SAM BAHADUR could have been avoided and, more importantly, should have been avoided. SAM BAHADUR is the kind of film which needed to be released without any strong opposition. ANIMAL was too formidable an opposition for SAM BAHADUR. And the result of releasing SAM BAHADUR in direct opposition of ANIMAL is there for all to see today. While ANIMAL has opened to bumper houses, the initial of SAM BAHADUR is dull.

How important is Sam Bahadur for Vicky Kaushal’s career?

– Every film is important for the actor who stars in it. Otherwise, why would he sign the film in the first place?

When will The Kerala Story come on OTT? On which OTT platform will it stream?

– No OTT platform has acquired the streaming rights of THE KERALA STORY. All the platforms find it too hot to handle. Therefore, you may not get to watch it on any digital platform. 

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