Home You Asked It YOU ASKED IT | 2 June, 2023

YOU ASKED IT | 2 June, 2023

What ails the distribution and exhibition sectors?

– The arm-twisting tactics adopted by many of the top distributors and multiplex chains of the country. Sometimes, all-India distributors arm-twist owners and controllers, mostly of the single-screen cinemas. At other times, the national multiplex chains are unfair in allotting shows because they are in a commanding position. Invariably, it is the small and medium distributors in the distribution sector, and the single-screen cinemas and non-national multiplex chains in the exhibition sector, which are at the receiving end.

On what basis do programmers allot shows to new films?

– Oftentimes, the allotment is not on scientific basis. Very often, it is on the basis of hunch. But let me tell you, most of the times, the allocation of shows is not the best or the most impartial. 

Why do most films not have good music nowadays?

– The music scene deteriorated mainly because of the tendency of some leading producers to include remixed versions of old Hindi films’ hit songs in new films. Hit songs can be counted on fingertips nowadays. Incidentally, the Phir aur kya chahiye song of this week’s release, ZARA HAT KE ZARA BACH KE, is a hit.  

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