Deepika Padukone, who started KA Enterprises, which manages her family office, 18 months back, is now backing start-up companies through the family business company. She has invested in online furniture rental platform Furlenco, beauty products company Purplle, and yogurt maker Epigamia which is backed by French food products giant Danone. She also co-owns apparel label All About You with Myntra. In the next two months, KA Enterprises plans to finalise deals for a couple of more investments.
Unlike many other celebrities who enter into endorsement deals with companies, Deepika invests capital, her brand image as well as business understandings. According to Duff & Phelps, Deepika had a brand value of over US $100 million in 2018. Forbes listed her earnings in 2018 as Rs. 113 crore.