Home Reviews ‘JHATKA’ (MARATHI) REVIEW | 4 March, 2022

‘JHATKA’ (MARATHI) REVIEW | 4 March, 2022

Uttejanaa Studioz’s Jhatka (Marathi) is a murder mystery.

A young couple decides to enter into a live-in relationship for which it takes a fully furnished flat on rent. To their shock, the girl and boy discover a dead man’s body inside a wardrobe in the flat. They try their best to escape but guests come visiting — uninvited, obviously — one after the other. Who is the dead man? Who killed him? Who are the various guests? Is somebody trying to frame the couple? If so, why?

Gaurav Upasani has penned a story which does not hold the audience’s attention for too long. The screenplay, written by Gaurav Upasani and Ajinkya Upasani, is not half as thrilling as a whodunit should be. In other words, the excitement of a murder mystery is hardly present. What’s more, the drama fails to fully involve the viewers in the guessing game about the identity of the murderer. Gaurav Upasani’s dialogues are routine.

Gaurav Upasani gives an ordinary account of himself in the role of Shreyas. Purniemaa Dey is average as Gargi. Omkar Gokhale, Apoorva Ranjankar, Yogini Pophale, Adhish Paigude, Vaibhavi Sabne, Rajkumar Jarange and Mihir Oak lend routine support.

Ajinkya Upasani’s direction and camerawork are too commonplace to really create any impact. His editing leaves a lot to be desired. Sumedh Mirji’s music and background music are functional. Lyrics (Dr. Parthasarthi) are so-so.

On the whole, Jhatka is a poor show all the way.

Released on 4-3-’22 at Gem (daily 1 show) and other cinemas of Bombay thru August Entertainment. Publicity & opening: poor.

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