Home Box-Office LATEST POSITION | 11 December, 2021 ‘TADAP’ DOES WELL BUT SUFFERS DUE...


Tadap did fairly well in the first week but the fear of the Omicron variant of the Coronavirus had a negative impact on its collections as many among the public preferred to refrain from going to the cinemas. It netted Rs. 4.05 crore on the first day. Collections on Saturday totalled Rs. 4.12 crore, and on Sunday, Rs. 5.35 crore. Therefore, the weekend’s total was Rs. 13.52 crore. Collections for the weekdays were: Monday – Rs. 2.25 crore, Tuesday – Rs. 2.01 crore, Wednesday – Rs. 1.75 crore, Thursday – Rs. 1.51 crore. Thus, the total for the weekdays was Rs. 7.52 crore. In this way, the first week closed at Rs. 21.04 crore.

Antim also suffered in the second week on account of the looming fear of the new Coronavirus variant. It collected Rs. 1.25 crore on the first day of 2nd week. Collections increased to Rs. 1.75 crore on the second day, and further to Rs. 2.25 crore on Sunday. In this way, the second weekend closed at Rs. 5.25 crore. The total for the weekdays was Rs. 2.20 crore. The total for the second week, therefore, was Rs. 7.45 crore. Grand total for 2 weeks: Rs. 36.80 crore.

Sooryavanshi added Rs. 2.96 crore in its 5th week. It netted Rs. 2.01 crore in the fifth weekend, and another Rs. 0.95 crore during the weekdays. Its grand total for 5 weeks went up to Rs. 194.31 crore.

Pandu (Marathi) did very well in the first week all over Maharashtra.

Jhimma (Marathi) continued to score wonderfully in the third week too all over Maharashtra.

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