Mission Raniganj failed to make any mark at the box-office in its first week. Lack of emotions in the rescue drama was the biggest drawback. It netted only Rs. 2.90 crore on the first day, a far cry from what Akshay Kumar starrers usually net. Collections on Saturday increased to Rs. 4.60 crore while on Sunday, the total went up to Rs. 5 crore. In this way, the total for the first weekend was a pathetic Rs. 12.50 crore. Collections for the weekdays were: Monday – Rs. 1.70 crore, Tuesday – Rs. 1.60 crore, Wednesday – Rs. 1.50 crore, Thursday – Rs. 1.45 crore. Hence the total for the weekdays was Rs. 6.25 crore. Therefore, the total for the first week was Rs. 18.75 crore.

Dono met with a disastrous fate in 1st week.

Thank You For Coming didn’t see many people coming to the cinemas in 1st week. Its bold content was found to be too vulgar and obscene by many, which acted as a deterrent for those who were waiting for the public reports. The film netted Rs. 0.96 crore on the first day. Collections on Saturday and Sunday increased to Rs. 1.22 crore and Rs. 1.26 crore respectively, taking the first weekend’s total to Rs. 3.44 crore. Collections for the weekdays were dull: Monday – Rs. 0.65 crore, Tuesday – Rs. 0.52 crore, Wednesday – Rs. 0.42 crore, Thursday – Rs. 0.30 crore. Therefore, the total for the weekdays was only Rs. 1.89 crore. In this way, the first week closed at Rs. 5.33 crore.


800 (dubbed) proved to be a debacle in the first week.

The Exorcist: Believer (dubbed and the original English versions) did ordinary business in 1st week. It collected Rs. 1.26 crore on the first day. Collections increased to Rs. 1.76 crore on Saturday. The total for Sunday — Rs. 1.59 crore — was less than that of Saturday. Hence the first weekend closed at Rs. 4.61 crore. Collections for the weekdays were as follows: Monday – Rs. 0.59 crore, Tuesday – Rs. 0.50 crore, Wednesday – Rs. 0.48 crore, Thursday – Rs. 0.47 crore. Therefore, the total for the weekdays was Rs. 2.04 crore. In this way, the first week closed at Rs. 6.65 crore.

Fukrey 3 fell about 77% in 2nd week. The second weekend started with a net collection of Rs. 2.31 crore on Friday. Collections rose to Rs. 4.02 crore on Saturday while the total for Sunday was Rs. 4.11 crore. After a total of Rs. 10.44 crore in the second weekend, the film netted as follows during the weekdays: Monday – Rs. 1.41 crore, Tuesday – Rs. 1.23 crore, Wednesday – Rs. 1.14 crore, Thursday – Rs. 1.05 crore. Hence the total for the weekdays was Rs. 4.83 crore. The total for 2nd week, therefore, was Rs. 15.27 crore. Grand total for 2 weeks: Rs. 80.98 crore.

Jawan netted Rs. 1.14 crore on the first day of the fifth weekend. Of this, Rs. 1.10 crore came from the Hindi version while Rs. 0.04 crore, from the dubbed versions. The Saturday collection was Rs. 2.35 crore (Hindi Rs. 2.30 crore, dubbed Rs. 0.05 crore). The total for Sunday was Rs. 2.96 crore (Hindi Rs. 2.90 crore, dubbed Rs. 0.06 crore). In this way, the total for the fifth weekend was Rs. 6.45 crore (Hindi Rs. 6.30 crore, dubbed Rs. 0.15 crore). Collections for the weekdays were: Monday – Rs. 0.88 crore (Hindi Rs. 0.85 crore, dubbed Rs. 0.03 crore), Tuesday – Rs. 0.82 crore (Hindi Rs. 0.80 crore, dubbed Rs. 0.02 crore), Wednesday – Rs. 0.79 crore (Hindi Rs. 0.77 crore, dubbed Rs. 0.02 crore), Thursday – Rs. 0.77 crore (Hindi Rs. 0.75 crore, dubbed Rs. 0.02 crore). Hence the total for the weekdays was Rs. 3.26 crore (Hindi Rs. 3.17 crore, dubbed Rs. 0.09 crore). Therefore, the total for 5th week was Rs. 9.71 crore (Hindi Rs. 9.47 crore, dubbed Rs. 0.24 crore). Grand total for 5 weeks: Rs. 629.56 crore (Hindi Rs. 569.45 crore, dubbed Rs. 60.11 crore).

Aatmapamphlet (Marathi) performed weakly in the first week all over Maharashtra.

Ankush (Marathi) proved a debacle in the first week in Maharashtra.

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