Adipurush opened to bumper houses yesterday (June 16) but amidst mixed reports, slanting more towards the negative. The first day of the Hindi version closed at Rs. 32 crore. Reports of the Telugu (dubbed) version were also more negative than positive although the initial was excellent because of Prabhas being in the lead role. The dubbed Tamil, Kannada and Malayalam versions opened poorly.

The Flash (dubbed and the original English versions) opened on Thursday, netting approximately Rs. 4.30 crore on the first day.

Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts (dubbed and the original English versions) did ordinary business in 1st week. The first day’s (Thursday) collections totalled Rs. 3.50 crore. Collections on Friday increased to Rs. 4 crore. Net collections on Saturday and Sunday were Rs. 5.50 crore and Rs. 6 crore respectively. After a 4-day weekend total of Rs. 19 crore, collections for the weekdays were: Monday – Rs. 1.60 crore, Tuesday – Rs. 1.35 crore, Wednesday – Rs. 1.05 crore, Thursday – Rs. 0.80 crore. Therefore, the total for the weekdays was only Rs. 4.80 crore. In this way, the first week closed at Rs. 23.80 crore.

Zara Hat Ke Zara Bach Ke did well in 2nd week too, falling around 31% only. Lack of a new formidable opposition last week ensured that the maximum footfalls were reserved for ZHKZBK. The second weekend started with a take of Rs. 3.42 crore. The total for Saturday went up to Rs. 5.76 crore while for Sunday, it went up even more, to Rs. 7.02 crore. Hence the second weekend closed at Rs. 16.20 crore. Collections for the weekdays were as follows: Monday – Rs. 2.70 crore, Tuesday – Rs. 2.52 crore, Wednesday – Rs. 2.25 crore, Thursday – Rs. 1.98 crore. With the total for the weekdays being Rs. 9.45 crore, the second week closed at Rs. 25.65 crore. Grand total for 2 weeks: Rs. 63 crore.

Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse (animation, dubbed and the original English versions) continued to do well in 2nd week too. It netted Rs. 1.35 crore on Friday. Collections more than doubled on Saturday which closed at Rs. 2.75 crore. The total for Sunday was Rs. 3.02 crore. After a weekend total of Rs. 7.12 crore, collections for the weekdays were as follows: Monday – Rs. 0.87 crore, Tuesday – Rs. 0.83 crore, Wednesday – Rs. 0.83 crore, Thursday – Rs. 0.60 crore. Therefore, the total for the weekdays was Rs. 3.13 crore. In this way, the second week closed at Rs. 10.25 crore. Grand total for 2 weeks: Rs. 36.07 crore.

Fast X (dubbed and the original English versions) added a little more than Rs. 2 crore to its kitty in the fourth week. The fourth weekend commenced with a net collection of Rs. 0.29 crore on Friday. The total for Saturday was Rs. 0.56 crore while for Sunday, it was Rs. 0.65 crore. After a fourth weekend total of Rs. 1.50 crore, collections for the weekdays were: Monday – Rs. 0.20 crore, Tuesday – Rs. 0.18 crore, Wednesday – Rs. 0.17 crore, Thursday – Rs. 0.10 crore. Hence the total for the weekdays was Rs. 0.65 crore. In this way, the fourth week closed at Rs. 2.15 crore. Grand total for 4 weeks: Rs. 108.54 crore.

The Kerala Story netted Rs. 0.40 crore on the first day of the sixth weekend. Collections on Saturday and Sunday went up to Rs. 0.65 crore and Rs. 0.85 crore respectively. After a weekend total of Rs. 1.90 crore, collections for the weekdays were: Monday – Rs. 0.32 crore, Tuesday – Rs. 0.30 crore, Wednesday – Rs. 0.26 crore, Thursday – Rs. 0.20 crore. Therefore, the total for the weekdays was Rs. 1.08 crore. In other words, the sixth week’s total was Rs. 2.98 crore. Grand total for 6 weeks: Rs. 235.28 crore.

Umbrella (Marathi) fared miserably in 1st week all over Maharashtra.

Musandi (Marathi) could not do much in the first week in Maharashtra.

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