K.G.F. Chapter 2 (dubbed) has written history in the first week. It started with a bang on Thursday (April 14) so that the first day closed at the highest-ever Rs. 53.95 crore. Friday ended at Rs. 46.79 crore, another record. Saturday’s total collection of Rs. 42.90 crore, and Sunday’s total of Rs. 50.35 crore were also new records. Therefore, the first 4-day weekend closed at an astounding Rs. 193.99 crore, which is also the highest ever as no other Hindi film has amassed so much in its first weekend. Collections during the weekdays were just as phenomenal: Monday – Rs. 25.57 crore, Tuesday – Rs. 19.14 crore, Wednesday – Rs. 16.35 crore, Thursday – Rs. 13.58 crore. In this way, the total for the weekdays was an amazing Rs. 74.64 crore. The first 8-day week’s total, therefore, was an outstanding Rs. 268.63 crore! Point to be noted is that this total is of all the non-Southern India states as the Hindi dubbed version had a bare minimum release in the four Southern states because the Kannada original, Tamil dubbed, Telugu dubbed and Malayalam dubbed versions are running in those states. It may be added here that extra shows of the film were conducted in many cinemas during the weekend, across the country. Given that a large chunk of Muslim audience is waiting for Ramzan to frequent cinemas, and also given that the film has tremendous repeat value, the film is poised to overtake Dangal which had netted Rs. 387 crore in its entire domestic run.

RAW (dubbed version of Tamil Beast) fared poorly in the first week. It took a weak opening on Wednesday (April 13) and continued to fare miserably all through the week. Its total box-office collection figure for the first nine-day week was pathetic.

Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets Of Dumbledore (dubbed) faced a perceptible drop in collections in the second week. The original English version fared far better than the Hindi dubbed version in its second week too.

RRR (dubbed) was hit quite badly because of competition from the new release last week, K.G.F. Chapter 2 (dubbed). The fourth weekend of RRR (dubbed) began with a take of Rs. 3 crore. Collections were the same (Rs. 3 crore) on Saturday. They increased only marginally on Sunday which closed at Rs. 3.50 crore. In this way, the fourth weekend’s total was Rs. 9.50 crore. Collections for the weekdays were very ordinary: Monday – Rs. 1.20 crore, Tuesday – Rs. 1 crore, Wednesday – Rs. 0.85 crore, Thursday – Rs. 0.75 crore. Therefore, the total for the weekdays was Rs. 3.80 crore. Total for 4th week: Rs. 13.30 crore. Grand total for 4 weeks: Rs. 253.30 crore.

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