Film Information


Released last week all over, CoMix Wave Films and Story Inc.’s Suzume (animation, dubbed from a Japanese film of the same name; UA) is the story of a young girl, and a man who is in the habit of shutting doors in abandoned areas of Japan to prevent a giant supernatural worm from causing earthquakes. The man explains the myth of the worm Namazu, and how it can be pacified by placing two keystones in Eastern and Western Japan. His task is rendered difficult because the Western keystone has become a cat whereas records of the Eastern keystone’s location are unclear. If the worm appears in Tokyo, it could wreak havoc. What happens thereafter?

Makoto Shinkai has written a good fantasy tale of adventure. The story and screenplay may be a bit long-winding but they are engaging. The fantasy world keeps the audience engrossed. Dialogues are alright.

The voice acting is quite nice.

Makoto Shinkai’s direction is noteworthy although his editing could’ve been sharper. Radwimps and Kazuma Jinnouchi’s background music is appealing. Computer graphics are excellent. Dubbing is superb.

On the whole, Suzume is a fair entertainer.

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