Film Information

YOU ASKED IT | 17 May, 2024

What was the reason for last week’s Srikanth not opening to good houses when the trailer came in for so much praise?

– For content-driven films like SRIKANTH, which don’t boast of A-list stars, the public waits for the first day reports to filter in. Only if the reports are very good do they go to the cinemas, otherwise, they wait for it to come on OTT. Such films generally don’t take good initials unless, of course, the music is a big hit.

I am keen to make a film but making money is not the motive. I want to make a film which the world will remember as a great film. How should I go about it?

– The world will remember your film as a great film only if it succeeds at the box-office. So whether you like it or not, you will have to make a film which makes money. In other words, making money has to be your motive, else your film may go largely unnoticed!

There are so many heroes who are very talented but whose names don’t sell — neither among distributors nor among the paying public. Does that mean that it’s the end of the road for them?

– It could mean the end of the road for them unless they start accepting character roles or work in multi-hero films rather than insisting on playing solo lead roles. It is not easy for a film hero to accept that a film no longer sells on the strength of his name. But if he doesn’t face reality and change the course of his career, he could be rendered jobless. After all, no producer would want to lose money by signing a talented but unsaleable hero.    

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