Home You Asked It YOU ASKED IT | 30 September, 2022

YOU ASKED IT | 30 September, 2022

What purpose does the annual FRAMES event, organised by FICCI, serve?

– There aren’t too many events held in the film industry, where people can meet one another. FRAMES is a good place for the industry people to do some networking. This is one of the biggest takeaways of the annual event.

Why was the advance booking for Vikram Vedha not up to the mark in spite of the rave reviews its trailer was getting?

– Since it appears to be an action-oriented mass-appealing film, its advance was not very good. Masses usually prefer buying tickets from current booking windows. Of course, this is not a golden rule but it’s often the case.

Is there any movement in the film industry to streamline admission rates in cinemas, after the stupendous success of the National Cinema Day on 23rd September in terms of footfalls at low ticket rates?

– Things don’t move so fast in the film industry. The very fact that the industry people have started to think in terms of rationalisation of the admission rates structure is in itself a big thing!

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