Almost three years after his demise, famous Gujarati writer Tarak Mehta has been named as an accused in an FIR under the Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe (Prevention Of Atrocities) Act. The FIR was filed recently at the Nikol police station in Ahmedabad for the use of an alleged casteist slur in Gujarati play Ek Murakh Ne Evi Tev. Eight artistes and a member of the Central Board of Film Certification have also been booked under the Act.
One Rashmikant Parmar stated that he had seen the play on YouTube on 22nd July, 2019. The play is written by Tarak Mehta, directed by Bharat Shroff and features actors Mukesh Raval, Santu Rajda, Manish Mehta, Chirag Acharya, Vimal Upadhyay, Jitu Mehta and Anuradha Kanabar. The FIR added that the play is produced by Rangat Productions and a certificate was obtained for broadcast from the CBFC. In the said play, actress Anuradha Kanabar delivers a dialogue in which “derogatory words are spoken against our caste”, alleged Parmar. He added that the dialogue had hurt the sentiments of his caste.
Writer, columnist and playwright Tarak Mehta passed away on 1st March, 2017, at the age of 87. The police said, they would file a C (closure) summary as the accused was dead.