The Rajasthan-based Rajput Karni Sena, which has in the past objected to films like Padmaavat, Jodhaa Akbar and Manikarnika – Jhansi Ki Rani, has now threatened Javed Akhtar with violence over his ghoonghat ban remark. The lyricist and script writer on 2nd May had said in Bhopal that if a law to ban burqa was being brought in Madhya Pradesh, the Rajasthan government should announce a ban on the practice of ghoonghat in that state before the last phase of elections there.
Jivan Singh Solanki, president of the Maharashtra wing of Karni Sena, has asked Javed Akhtar to apologise within three days or face the consequences. The lyricist-writer maintained that the burqa and ghoonghat should both go, in order to uphold the dignity of women and to empower them.