Home Reviews BELAGAAM | 22 June, 2019

BELAGAAM | 22 June, 2019

Released this week in Delhi-U.P. (at Kanpur and other stations) and C.I. (at Indore and other stations), Dev Film Production’s Belagaam (A) is a poor fare written by Ajay Chhabria and directed by D.P. Singh. Perfor­mances by Dev Yadav, Payal Kuwar, Manoj Bakshi, Pramod Moutho and Abbas Ali are too ordinary to be true. Jitendra Vishwakarma’s music is commonplace. Editing (by Amit Raj­put) is loose.

C.C. No. DIL/3/53/2019 dated 31-5-’19. Running time: 126.18 minut­es.

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