Pathaan was off to a flying start on an odd day (Wednesday, January 25) in spite of it being a non-holiday. The film shattered records for the highest opening day, the highest two days, the biggest three days and the fastest Rs. 100-crore film. It has found such huge acceptance that it is poised to become the fastest Rs. 200-crore film and, probably, the speediest Rs. 300-crore film. It netted Rs. 57 crore on the first day (Rs. 55 crore for the Hindi version; Rs. 2 crore for the Tamil and Telugu versions combined), overtaking the Rs. 52.25 crore opening of Thugs Of Hindustan, the Rs. 53.35 crore initial of War and the Rs. 53.95 crore start of K.G.F. Chapter 2 (Hindi dubbed). The second day (Republic Day holiday) closed at an unbelievable Rs. 70.50 crore (Rs. 68 crore for the Hindi version; Rs. 2.50 crore for the South language versions), taking the two-day total to Rs. 127.50 crore! One would’ve expected the third day (Friday) to record a major fall after the phenomenal first two days but the drop was just around 36% as compared to the first day, and about 48% as compared to the second day. With the third day closing at Rs. 39.25 crore, the total for three days of the first five-day weekend is an earth-shattering Rs. 166.75 crore!! The spy thriller grossed $4.6 million on the opening day (January 25) Overseas. Collections on the second day totalled $3.8 million while for the third day, they totalled $5 million.

Gandhi Godse Ek Yudh could not make any mark whatsoever in spite of releasing on Republic Day (Thursday, January 26). Collections dropped even further, to pathetic levels, on the second day (Friday).

Zindagi Shataranj Hai failed miserably in the first week.

Junglemahal: The Awakening fared poorly in 1st week all over.

Akhanda (dubbed) proved to be a debacle in 1st week all over.

Puss In Boots: The Last Wish (dubbed and original English versions) could not do anything substantive in the first week. It netted Rs. 29 lakh on the opening day. Collections on Saturday jumped to Rs. 48 lakh, and further to Rs. 56 lakh on Sunday. After a first weekend of Rs. 1.33 crore, collections for the weekdays were: Monday – Rs. 12 lakh, Tuesday – Rs. 12 lakh, Wednesday – Rs. 5 lakh, Thursday – Rs. 14 lakh. Therefore, the total for the weekdays was Rs. 43 lakh. Total for 1st week: Rs. 1.76 crore.

Varisu (dubbed) dropped around 50% in 2nd week. The first day of the second weekend started with a take of Rs. 0.76 crore. Collections on Saturday were Rs. 0.73 crore. The total for Sunday was Rs. 0.99 crore. Hence the second weekend total was Rs. 2.48 crore. Collections for the weekdays were as follows: Monday – Rs. 0.34 crore, Tuesday – Rs. 0.27 crore, Wednesday – Rs. 0.04 crore (because of release of Pathaan), Thursday – Rs. 0.04 crore. With the total for the weekdays being a mere Rs. 0.68 crore, the total for the second week was Rs. 3.16 crore. Grand total for 2 weeks: Rs. 9.39 crore.

Avatar: The Way of Water (dubbed and the original English versions) added almost Rs. 7 crore to its kitty in the sixth week. The sixth weekend started with a net collection of Rs. 1.35 crore on Friday. Collections increased to Rs. 1.70 crore on Saturday, and further to Rs. 2 crore on Sunday. After a six weekend of Rs. 5.05 crore, collections for the weekdays were: Monday – Rs. 0.67 crore, Tuesday – Rs. 0.66 crore, Wednesday – Rs. 0.25 crore (due to extensive release of Pathaan), Thursday – Rs. 0.47 crore. In this way, the total for the weekdays was Rs. 2.05 crore. Therefore, the total for the sixth week was Rs. 7.10 crore. Grand total for 6 weeks: Rs. 374.29 crore.

Sarla Ek Koti (Marathi) failed to make the cut in 1st week all over Maharashtra.

Vaalvi (Marathi) did fair business in 2nd week in Maharashtra.

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