Mr. & Mrs. Mahi did well in the first weekend, buoyed by the low ticket price on the first day (June 1) which was celebrated as the Cinema Lovers’ Day. It netted Rs. 6.85 crore on the first day. Collections fell to Rs. 4.65 crore on Saturday as the ticket prices returned to the regular levels. Sunday closed at Rs. 5.62 crore, taking the first weekend’s total to Rs. 17.12 crore. Collections for the weekdays were: Monday – Rs. 2.21 crore, Tuesday – Rs. 1.86 crore, Wednesday – Rs. 1.90 crore, Thursday – Rs. 1.80 crore. With the total for the weekdays being Rs. 7.77 crore, the first week closed at Rs. 24.89 crore.

Savi did ordinary business in the first week, which was not bad, considering that it was a small-budget fare and one which was handicapped by low promotion. The first day (Cinema Lovers’ Day) closed at Rs. 2.05 crore. Collections on Saturday and Sunday were Rs. 1.75 crore and Rs. 1.76 crore respectively. In this way, the total for the first weekend was Rs. 5.56 crore. Collections dipped quite dramatically during the weekdays: Monday – Rs. 0.55 crore, Tuesday – Rs. 0.50 crore, Wednesday – Rs. 0.45 crore, Thursday – Rs. 0.44 crore. Hence the total for the weekdays was Rs. 1.94 crore. Total for 1st week: Rs. 7.50 crore.


Chhota Bheem And The Curse Of Damyaan could not do much in 1st week despite the popularity of the Chhota Bheem character among kids.

Aranmanai 4 (dubbed) performed poorly in the first week.

Bhaiyya Ji dropped very badly in 2nd week. The second weekend started with a net collection of just Rs. 0.35 crore. Collections on Saturday and Sunday were Rs. 0.30 crore and Rs. 0.25 crore respectively. After a second weekend total Rs. 0.90 crore, collections for the weekdays were even duller: Monday – Rs. 0.16 crore, Tuesday – Rs. 0.13 crore, Wednesday – Rs. 0.10 crore, Thursday – Rs. 0.08 crore. So the total for the weekdays was a paltry Rs. 0.47 crore. In this way, the second week closed at Rs. 1.37 crore. Grand total for 2 weeks: Rs. 10.40 crore.

Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (dubbed and the original English versions) faced a steep fall in 2nd week. The second weekend started with a net collection of Rs. 0.80 crore on Friday. Collections on Saturday and Sunday were Rs. 0.72 c rore and Rs. 0.77 crore respectively, taking the second weekend’s total to Rs. 2.29 crore. Collections for the weekdays: Monday – Rs. 0.22 crore, Tuesday – Rs. 0.19 crore, Wednesday – Rs. 0.19 crore, Thursday – Rs. 0.16 crore. In this way, the total for the weekdays was Rs. 0.76 crore. The total for 2nd week, therefore, was Rs. 3.05 crore. Grand total for 2 weeks: Rs. 15.73 crore.

The Garfield Movie (animation, dubbed and the original English versions) did dull business in the third week. It collected only Rs. 0.80 crore in the third week. Grand total for 3 weeks: Rs. 7.15 crore.

Srikanth started its fourth weekend with a take of Rs. 1.53 crore on Friday. It reaped the advantage of low admission rate of Rs. 99. Collections on Saturday and Sunday were Rs. 1.18 crore and Rs. 1.37 crore respectively. After a fourth weekend total of Rs. 4.08 crore, collections for the weekdays were as follows: Monday – Rs. 0.52 crore, Tuesday – Rs. 0.47 crore, Wednesday – Rs. 0.46 crore, Thursday – Rs. 0.49 crore. With the total for the weekdays being Rs. 1.94 crore, the fourth week closed at Rs. 6.02 crore. Grand total for 4 weeks: Rs. 47.28 crore.

Hoy Maharaja (Marathi) failed to make a headway at the box-office in Maharashtra in its first week.

Jhamkudi (Gujarati) is a runaway hit in Gujarat and Saurashtra. It did outstanding business in 1st week, netting approximately Rs. 4.10 crore! The second week also started excellently.

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