The customs department on November 28 arrested actor Ajaz Khan’s wife, Fallon Guliwala, over a month after a staff member of his was arrested for ordering 100 gm. of mephedrone (MDMA) through courier. Guliwala, who is a foreign national, was arrested after the customs on November 27 raided her home at Jogeshwari in Bombay and seized various drugs. The raid continued on November 28 also. Drugs like 136 gm. of charas, empty pouches containing 33 gm. of MD, 28 gm. of MD tablets and other narcotic products and Rs. 11 lakh were seized and Guliwala was placed under arrest.
Fallon’s name cropped up in the drug smuggling case when the customs arrested Khan’s peon, Suraj Gaud, on October 8. Gaud was booked under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act. During the course of interrogation, Suraj said, the parcel was in his name but it was regularly ordered by Ajaz Khan’s nephew, Farhan.
During questioning, Fallon Guliwala said that Farhan was her husband’s nephew and proprietor of Ek Number production house.
The customs are on the lookout for Ajaz Khan to record his statement but he is unavailable. Ajaz had been arrested by the Narcotics Control Bureau in 2021 in connection with a drug case, with 31 tablets of Alprazolam weighing 4.5 gm. He was released after spending 26 months in jail.