‘ANTH THE END’ REVIEW | 11 November, 2022

Holy Basil Films’ Anth The End (UA) is about a criminal who escapes from jail.

K.S. Malhotra, Hardev Singh and Jimmi have written a story and screenplay which are anything but interesting. The drama bores more than it entertains. The trio’s dialogues are routine.

Divya Dutta does a truly fine job as Divya. Mukul Dev is average as Ricky Sandhu. Dev Sharma (as Sumeet) and Samiksha Bhatnagar (as Simran) lend decent support. Deepraj Rana is natural in the role of Ranjeet. Ugant Badri Panday, Aman Dhaliwal, Aroon Bakshi (in a guest appearance) and Liliput (guest appearance) provide the desired support.

K.S. Malhotra’s direction is mediocre. Music (composed by Vinay Vinayak and Sandeep Saxena) and lyrics (Bhanu Thakur and Rai Kalcee) are both barely functional. Jeet Singh’s choreography hardly deserves separate mention. Umesh raorane’s background music is so-so. Camerawork (Bharane K. Dharhan and Harshad Jadhav) is ordinary. Action and stunt scenes (Shahbuddin Shaikh and Nishant Abdul Khan) aren’t too thrilling. Art direction (Lalit Bhardwaj, Anil Prakash and Ishwar Samal) is average. Samir Shaikh’s editing is loose.

On the whole, Anth The End will have a sorry start and an equally sorry end. Flop.

Released on 11-11-’22 at Glamour (daily 2 shows) and other cinemas of Bombay thru Om Exhibitors. Publicity & opening: poor. …….Also released all over. Opening was dull everywhere.