The Indian Motion Picture Producers’ Association (IMPPA) has written to the multiplexes and single-screen cinemas, demanding a change in terms of revenue-sharing and other modalities between producers and exhibitors. The demands are almost a carbon copy of the demands put forth by Telugu film producers to multiplexes on 30th November.

The demands of the IMPPA are:

(1) Instead of the revenue sharing terms of 55:45 between producers and exhibitors respectively in the first week, the IMPPA has sought 60:40. The second week’s sharing is sought to be 50:50 instead of 45:55. Currently, the third and fourth weeks’ revenues are shared in the ratio of 40:60 and 35:65 respectively. From the fifth week onwards, the revenue is currently shared in the ratio of 30:70 for every week. This is sought to be changed to 40:60 from the third week onwards. The IMPPA has made it clear that it wants the new sharing terms to be uniform all over India and for all films across languages.

(2) Henceforth, producers shall not pay Virtual Print Fee. The VPF is currently being borne by the producers.

(3) The IMPPA has also demanded that multiplexes play trailers of new films for free instead of charging for them as at present. Likewise, it has said that producers will not henceforth pay for movie-related publicity being displayed in the multiplex premises, as at present.

(4) The IMPPA wants show priority to be given to Hindi films over other language films.

(5) It has asked the multiplexes to do away with sale of tickets with combo packs.

(6) The choice of flexible prices shall be implemented as per directions of producers only.

(7) Producers should also get a percentage share in any revenue generated from ticket sales platforms.

(8) Maintenance charges, which are currently being deducted from the producer’s account, should henceforth not be so deducted. In other words, the IMPPA wants that producers should not bear the maintenance charges.

(9) Settlement of accounts and disbursement of funds have long been a cause for heartburn among producers as multiplexes take months to transfer the share amounts to producers. The IMPPA’s letter mentions that settlement of accounts and revenue disbursement should happen fortnightly.

(10) Old films should not be discontinued if they are doing well, when new films are on release.