The National Commission for Women (NCW) has written to the Information & Broadcasting ministry, asking it to certify the trailer of the upcoming Marathi film, Nay Varan Bhat Loncha Kon Nay Koncha. This follows a complaint received by the NCW from Bharatiya Stree Shakti that the trailer contains obscene content depicting women and minor boys in objectionable positions. The complaint alleges that the said trailer is being circulated on social media platforms and is, therefore, available even for minors to view. A copy of the letter to the I & B ministry has also been forwarded to CBFC chairman Prasoon Joshi.
The film, directed by Mahesh Manjrekar for producer Narendra Hirawat, is scheduled for release on 14th January all over Maharashtra. It was granted certificate for adults only. It is learnt that the film was refused certificate by the examining and revising committees. It was then cleared by the second revising committee, with some deletions.