The people of Tamil Nadu have raised a stink about the trailer of Raj-DK’s web series, The Family Man 2, which is to be released on Amazon Prime in June. Its trailer was released recently and scenes depicting Tamilians as terrorists and ISI agents and having links with Pakistan seem to have not gone down well with the people of Tamil Nadu.
Rajya Sabha MP Vaiko has written to I & B minister Prakash Javadekar, asking him to stop the release of the series as “otherwise, the people of Tamil Nadu will react very seriously”. The letter adds that the sacrifices made by Tamil Eelam warriors had been wrongly shown as terrorist acts. Vaiko’s letter also mentions that Tamil-speaking actress Samantha had been shown as a terrorist and as having connections with Pakistani terrorists. After mentioning the objections to the trailer, the letter states that these descriptions had hurt the sentiments of Tamil people and Tamil culture and were offensive against the Tamil community.