India’s biggest legacy media company, Yash Raj Films, has announced a creative partnership with Posham Pa Pictures, regarded as one of the most forward-thinking voices in Indian entertainment today. This collaboration will see the two jointly produce films for theatrical release starting 2025.
Posham Pa Pictures has made acclaimed projects like Kaala Paani, Mamla Legal Hai, Home Shanti and Jaadugar. Sameer Saxena, Amit Golani, Biswapati Sarkar and Saurabh Khanna are partners in Posham Pa Pictures.
Akshaye Widhani (on right in picture above), CEO of Yash Raj Films, says, “It is truly the coming together of similar creative minds that are constantly striving for excellence by pushing the content envelope. Posham Pa Pictures have shown that they know the pulse of the audience by giving us unique and incredibly fresh stories that have won them unanimous acclaim. Our partnership will now aim to create ground-breaking theatrical experiences for today’s audience who are seeking out new and novel storytelling to engage, endorse and celebrate.”
Sameer Saxena (on left in the photograph) of Posham Pa Pictures, says, “The coming together of YRF and Posham Pa Pictures throws open a world of exciting, unchartered creative possibilities. We are thrilled at the opportunity to jointly create theatrical experiences like never before with YRF, and entertain the audience with unique, fresh stories.”