Actor Mushtaq Khan was kidnapped on the night of November 20 in Delhi by a gang. He had been invited for a show in Meerut but had been sent a flight ticket for Delhi. From Delhi, he was taken to some place in Uttar Pradesh by car. At a point in U.P., he was shifted into another car where some more persons joined him.
His mobile phone was taken from him and a revolver was put to his head. A ransom amount of Rs. 1 crore was demanded from him. After the car stopped for them to have dinner, the actor was taken to Bijnore where he was kept in a room on the second floor of a building. Mushtaq Khan did not know where he had been taken because they had put a cloth to cover his eyes and face.
In true filmi style, the actor escaped around 5.30 a.m. the next morning when he realised that the two persons who were guarding him (the others had left the room earlier) had fallen asleep after downing alcohol and were snoring loudly. Once outside the room and the building, Mushtaq Khan was both, surprised and shocked, to learn that it was a very busy area (bustling with people) where he had been held captive. Since he could not see where the abductors had brought him the previous night, the actor had presumed that he must be in the middle of a jungle.
Once out of the clutches of his abductors, a man whom Mushtaq met in the nearby mosque and narrated his horrific incident of kidnaping, helped him escape out of Bijnore. Of course, Mushtaq Khan had to leave his suitcase in the room in which he was held captive as he could not escape with that. His cell phone had been confiscated by the kidnappers who managed to withdraw a little more than Rs. 2 lakh from two bank accounts of the actor and his son, Mohsin.
After his return to Bombay, Mushtaq Khan registered a complaint with the Bijnore police.
It may be recalled that actor Rajesh Puri had been kidnapped in September this year under very similar circumstances. Comedian and actor-producer Sunil Pal was also abducted in a similar fashion in the same state, possibly by the same gang, a week back.