Some of Telugu film industry’s top stars like Vijay Devarakonda, Prakash Raj, Rana Daggubati, Manchu Lakshmi, Pranitha, Nidhi Agarwal and Ananya Nagella were on March 20 charged with promoting online betting apps, allegedly luring people into using and investing in them. The Cyberabad police in Hyderabad filed an FIR against the actors as also some social media influencers for their roles in endorsing the platforms/apps. The police acted on a complaint filed by P.M. Phanindra Sarma who alleged that the betting apps aggressively advertised on social media, using high-profile endorsements, to attract users.

Online betting has been made illegal in Telangana since 2017. The Enforcement Directorate is also set to investigate the artistes and social media influencers. It will summon those involved under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA).

Rana Daggubati responded to the FIR, saying that his contract with a gaming company ended in 2017. He also said, his endorsement was limited to regions where skill-based games were legally permitted. Prakash Raj said in a video posted on Twitter that the police had not contacted him and that he was “ready to cooperate”. He explained that he worked with a firm in 2016 but withdrew in 2017 after realising its nature. When a new company used his commercial in 2021, he issued legal notices, he added, leading to its removal. Vijay Devarakonda’s team clarified that the actor had endorsed a skill-based gaming platform only in regions where it was legally permitted. The team also said, his contract ended in 2023. It explained that skill-based games like rummy were recognised by the Supreme Court as being distinct from gambling.