Toei Company, Fox International Productions, Shueisha, Fuji Television Network, Toei Animation, Bandai, Bandai Namco Entertainment and Bird Studio’s Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero (animation; dubbed from the Japanese film of the same name) is a martial arts fantasy-adventure fare. Piccolo and his former student, Gohan, are on a mission to save the world from the newly reformed Red Ribbon Army.

Magenta (CEO of Red Pharmaceuticals) seeks to revive the Red Ribbon Army. For that, Magenta and his assistant, Carmine, recruit Dr. Gero’s grandson, Dr. Hedo. So, Dr. Hedo creates Gamma 1 and Gamma 2 as superheroes to fight the Z-fighters. He also creates Cell Max, an improved version of Cell. How Piccolo and Gohan rise to the occasion forms the crux of the drama.

Akira Toriyama has written a script and created characters which are interesting. However, for viewers who haven’t seen the earlier part/s, understanding the various characters might be a bit problematic although the drama is stand-alone too. The problem gets compounded because there are too many characters.

Voice acting is good.

Tetsuro Kodama’s direction is impressive and so is the animation. Other technical aspects are of a very good standard. Naoki Satō’s music is fair. Dubbing is very nice.

On the whole, Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero is a well-made film but lack of promotion and awareness will come in the way of its merited business.

Released on 26-8-’22 at Gemini (daily 2 shows) and other cinemas of Bombay thru Sony Pictures Films India Pvt. Ltd. Publicity & opening: dull. …….Also released all over.