Narendra Bhide, acclaimed music director of Marathi films, TV serials and stage-plays, passed away in Pune on the morning of 10th December following a heart attack. He was 47 and is survived by his parents, wife and two children. News of his demise sent shock waves in the Marathi entertainment industry. His last rites were performed the same day in Pune at the Vaikunth crematorium. Mayor Murlidhar Mohol was present for the last rites, along with many of his colleagues from the world of cinema, television, music and theatre, including actor-filmmaker Girish Kulkarni, Avdhoot Gupte, Rahul Deshpande, Anand Bhate and Raghunandan Panshikar.
Bhide, popularly known as Babdya, had scored music for films like Harishchandrachi Factory, Mulshi Pattern, Deool Band, Bioscope, Chi Va Chi Sau Ka, Hampi, Pushpak Vimaan and 66 Sadashiv. Sarsenapati Hambirrao, yet unreleased, is the last film for which he composed music.