In view of the threat given to Salman Khan by gangster Lawrence Bishnoi, the Bombay police recently conducted a review of the actor’s security and alerted him. Lawrence reportedly claimed responsibility for a shooting incident outside actor-singer Gippy Grewal’s Canada home on 24th November. A social media account assumed to be of gangster Bishnoi said that the shooting was a warning to Gippy for praising Salman Khan. It further added, “You regard Salman Khan as a brother, but it’s time for your ‘brother’ to step up and rescue you. This message is also for Salman Khan — don’t be under the illusion that Dawood will come to your rescue, no one can save you.”

The police are trying to find out the source of the message and have written to the social media platform. The police are also trying to find out the IP address.

Since last year, Salman has received multiple threats from Bishnoi. The gangster reportedly wants the star to apologise for his act of killing black bucks in Jodhpur during the shooting of Hum Saath Saath Hain.