Actress and BJP’s newly elected MP Kangana Ranaut was slapped by a CISF woman constable after a security check at the Chandigarh airport on June 6. According to eyewitnesses and reliable sources, the constable — Kulwinder Kaur — allegedly confronted Kangana over her remarks regarding women participating in the farmers’ protests a couple of years ago. The altercation escalated when the constable, visibly agitated by the actress’ comments, allegedly slapped her.

The CISF has suspended Kaur and lodged an FIR against her.

In a video circulated on social media, the CISF cop says, “Iss ne (Kangana) bayaan diya tha na ki 100-100 rupaye ke liye baithi hain wahan pe (during the farmers’ protest). Yeh baithegi wahan? Meri maa baithi thi jab iss ne bayaan diya. (Kangana had said during the farmers’ protests that women were sitting there for Rs. 100. Will she sit there? My mother was also at the protest when she said that.)”

It may be mentioned here that this was the same comment on her Twitter handle, which actor Diljit Dosanjh had chided Kangana for then on social media, forcing her to delete her post.