Erstwhile Mr. India title holder Manoj Patil (in picture above) attempted suicide in the wee hours of this morning (14th September) at his Oshiwara residence in Bombay. He was rushed to Cooper Hospital in Bombay and is reported to be out of danger. A few days back, Manoj had written a note in the name of the Oshiwara (Bombay) police, accusing actor Sahil Khan of mentally harassing and cyber bullying him and also defaming his nutrition shop, on social media. Manoj also posted an audio message on social media, accusing Sahil Khan. He alleged that Sahil did not want him (Manoj) to participate in Mr. Olympia as he himself (Sahil Khan) was also going to participate in the same and was, therefore, using all tactics to dissuade him.

No FIR has been registered as yet.