The trade was expecting the trailer of Jawan to be released on 30th April. When the trailer was not out on Sunday, the whispers grew louder. People speculated that the Shah Rukh Khan starrer had, in fact, been postponed. Rumours about a change in the release date had been doing the rounds since a couple of months. It was said that the makers were racing against time to meet the release date of 2nd June.
Although it is not official as yet, Information has learnt from very reliable sources that the release of Jawan has been postponed. If grapevine is to be believed, it will now release on Bakr Eid (29th June) instead of 2nd June. That’s not all. With this postponement comes the news of the change of the release date of another film, Adipurush. It is believed that instead of hitting the screens on 16th June, the Prabhas-Kriti-Saif starrer will release two weeks earlier — on 2nd June. This means, thanks to the postponement of Jawan, the release date of Jawan has been taken by Adipurush.
If the above is true — which seems to be the case — the release of Maidaan (currently scheduled for 23rd June) and Satyaprem Ki Katha (on 29th June) will also change. But the new release dates of these two films are not known.