Released last week in Bombay, Manorama Pictures and Vijay & 2 Stars Entertainment’s Manchalo Ki Masti (UA) is the story of six friends who adopt an orphan boy. The orphan falls critically ill. When they need money for his treatment, they consider kidnapping for ransom. But a kind woman comes into their life like a messiah. What happens thereafter?
Dinesh and Sandeep have written a simplistic story which tries to appeal emotionally, but it falls short of expectations. The duo’s screenplay moves on the absolutely predictable path, making the drama even less appealing. The drama is replete with routine incidents which fail to engage the viewers. Dinesh and Sandeep’s dialogues are commonplace.
Performances are weak. Akash Kumar Mittal, Sikha Swaroop, Karuna Singh, Soumya Singh, Archi, Shruti Sinha, Pankaj Sinha, Jitendra Vadher, Shanker Pathak, Arshad Ayub and Priyanshu Raj deliver routine performances.
Dinesh Shahdeo’s direction is poor. The narration simply fails to involve the viewers. Sidharth Roy’s music is barely functional. Camerawork (by Pankaj Goswami) and art direction (by Abinash Kumar) don’t deserve special mention. Sumit Sinha’s editing leaves a lot to be desired.
On the whole, Manchalo Ki Masti is a disastrous fare.