Some of the biggest names in the Telugu film industry met Telangana chief minister A. Revanth Reddy on December 26 in a bid to end their perceived standoff with the state government over the Pushpa: The Rule Part 2 (Telugu) stampede. The CM assured the 40-odd actors, producers and directors of full support. However, he insisted that his government would not compromise on law and order. “Our intention is to promote the film industry, but as CM, it is my responsibility to ensure that the law is implemented,” he told the delegation.
He also sought their cooperation to develop Hyderabad as an international film hub which would attract even Hollywood filmmakers.
The chief minister said, “I have no personal preferences or grudges. Let’s take the Telugu film industry to the next level and attract all language filmmakers, including Bollywood and Hollywood, to Hyderabad. The state government will also organise a conclave in this connection.”
The meeting with the CM was facilitated by the Telangana Film Development Corporation chairman Dil Raju.