‘RD’ (MARATHI) REVIEW | 21 March, 2025

SAAD Entertainments, Kamal Enterprises, Helixe Productions and Zebra Pictures’ RD (Marathi; A) is a crime drama.

Ganesh Shinde and B. Appasaheb’s story and screenplay are fast-moving but nothing really impresses. Oftentimes, the drama becomes boring and even predictable. The viewers sometimes wonder why what is happening is happening. The duo’s dialogues are commonplace.

Ganesh Shinde does an average job. Avantika Kavatekar is so-so. Rahul Phaltankar is ordinary. Sanve Walke is passable. Bushra Shaikh lends routine support. Ketan Pawar delivers an ordinary performance. Others barely fit the bill.

Ganesh Kachru Shinde’s direction is dull. Music (Suresh Pandit and Varun Likhate) and lyrics (Suresh Pandit, Mandar Cholkar and Shubham Adawale (Dhurandhar)) are functional. Himanshu Shrivastav’s choreography hardly deserves separate mention. Suresh Pandit’s background music leaves something to be desired. Tanmay Dhok’s camerawork is dull. Mrunal Bichkule’s art direction is okay. Harshavardhan Jadhav’s editing is loose.

On the whole, RD is a flop fare.

Released on 21-3-’25 at Glamour (daily 1 show) and other cinemas of Bombay thru Sunshine Studios. Publicity & opening: poor.