The Tamil Nadu police arrested award-winning stunt choreographer and actor ‘Kanal’ Kannan in Kanyakumari in connection with an alleged derogatory tweet against Christianity. The Cyber Crime Wing police first registered a case against Kannan, office-bearer of the pro-Hindu group, Hindu Munnani, on July 1 following a complaint filed by Austin Bennet, the deputy organiser of the DMK IT Wing. The DMK functionary accused Kanal Kannan of posting on Twitter a “manipulated video” of a priest dancing with a girl. He also alleged that Kannan included a derogatory remark in an attempt to malign Christianity.

A case was registered against Kannan and he was asked to appear for questioning on July 10 at 10 a.m. After being grilled for several hours, he was arrested around 7 p.m. for offending religious sentiments. He was then remanded to judicial custody.

Last year, Kannan was arrested for his remark against rationalist leader Periyar E.V. Ramasamy, following a complaint from a Dravidian outfit.