The Amboli (Bombay) police on 8th May registered a case of abetment to suiÂcide against a man’s former girlfriend and two others. The man, an employee of a salon, committed suicide in Matheran last month. All the three accused work with a casting agency for films, ads and web series.
Shobhit Singh was in a relationship with a woman in Lucknow. The woman moved to Bombay in December 2018 to pursue a career in acting. Singh had appÂlied in a university in Prague but returned to Bombay in February this year. On April 13, Singh sent a suicide note over WhatsÂApp to Pankaj Chauhan, a friend. The message attributed the cause for his suiÂcide to the fact that his girlfriend had started living in with another man. When Shobhit Singh threatened to disclose this to her family, she got her live-in partner and his friend to beat him up. The trio also threatened to implicate him in a fake case of rape. The two men shot a video clip where they got Shobhit to ‘confess’ that he was harassing his ex-girlfriend. They threatenÂed to circulate the clip if he did not leave the city or kill himself, according to a friend of Shobhit Singh.