Pooja Bedi was trolled on social media recently when she criticised a quarantine facility at Calangute in Goa. Pooja and her fiancé, Maneck Contractor, travelled to Goa from Bombay on 16th May. She claimed that they reached Goa around 7 p.m. and were made to wait at the border till 9.30 p.m. After that, they were reportedly taken to a district hospital in Mapusa, where they stood for two hours in a queue for a COVID-19 test. They were then taken to a quarantine facility at Calangute, where they were asked to stay till their test report was out on 17th around 6.30 p.m. Since their results were negative, they were allowed to go.
Pooja had tweeted a video, recounting her bad experience at the quarantine facility and highlighting its unhygienic conditions. She was trolled for the post, with people accusing her of being fussy and using her celebrity status to enter Goa. Many trollers even asked her to leave Goa. The actress clarified that she made the video because she did not want healthy people like her to go into the facility, get infected and then spread the virus in Goa. She said, she was being targeted because she was a celebrity. She also said, she had used no influence to travel to Goa as she and her fiancé had a home and all their businesses in Goa. She had applied for inter-state travel and had all the due permissions before leaving Bombay, she concluded.