A company owned by actress Rituparna Sengupta has received summons from the Enforcement Directorate in Calcutta in connection with the probe into the Rs. 17,500-crore Rose Valley chit fund scam. The summons sent to her on 10th July was for her to appear at the ED office in Salt Lake’s CGO complex on 18th July.
Earlier, on 9th July, the ED sent summons to a company owned by Bengali film actor Prosenjit Chatterjee. He was asked to appear before the ED on 19th July. Prosenjit is being probed in connection with a Rs. 10-crore payment by the Rose Valley group for an appearance by him on one of Rose Valley group’s entertainment channels. The ED will also investigate the payments received by Prosenjit for acting in films produced by the Rose Valley group. Several other Tollywood actors have already been questioned.