Producer Vipul Shah has announced a slate of films to be made under his banner, Blockbuster Movie Entertainers. Sankalp Reddy will direct one film which is a conspiracy theory of true events that changed Indian history. Sanjay Puran Singh Chouhan will helm an action thriller. Deven Bhojani will direct an emotional story of a man and a dog. Vipul himself will direct one film. Meanwhile, Aditya Datt has just completed Vipul Shah’s Commando 3.
Vipul will also produce two web series. The first one is based on a novel by Gujarati author Harkishan Mehta, on the life of notorious thug Amir Ali who killed 719 people. The second web series, being created by Mozez Singh, is about the human drug testing menace in the medical world.