Released last week in Bombay (at Pune), Delhi-U.P., East Punjab and Rajasthan, White Hill Studios’ Dil Awaara (UA) is the story of five friends who undertake a journey from Chandigarh to Spiti Valley. In the process, they discover their inner desires and overcome their insecurities.
Samar Singh Chauhan has written a weak story and a dull screenplay. The writing is so predictable and clichéd that the drama simply fails to engage or entertain the viewers. Even his dialogues are routine.
Monica Sharma, Angad Hasija, Mintu Kapa, Aliya Hamidi and Navdeesh Arora have acted reasonably well. Others are passable.
Samar Singh Chauhan’s direction is below the mark. Music (by Sunny Inder, Goldboy, Vindu Kinngra, Hey Crush and Nabz) is fair. Lyrics (Kumaar, Youngveer and Samar Singh Chauhan) are quite appealing. Choreographer Nitin Arora’s song picturisations are functional. Salil Dilip Amrute’s background music is okay. Hardeep Singh’s camerawork is decent. Vicky Chaudhary’s editing leaves something to be desired.
On the whole, Dil Awaara is a flop show.