The Dindoshi (Bombay) sessions court directed producer Gunwant Jain, accused of raping a 38-year-old model, to surrender before the police. Setting aside a magistrate’s order which released Jain after his arrest in November, additional sessions judge D.G. Dhoble in his order dated December 24 directed the accused to surrender before the concerned police station (Versova in Bombay) immediately.
In case Gunwant Jain did not surrender, the investigation officer would be at liberty to arrest him in accordance with law for the purpose of compliance of the order, the judge said. The court said, remand of five days is granted to police from the date of Jain’s surrender or arrest.
As per the police, Gunwant Jain allegedly spiked the drink of the victim and sexually assaulted her. On her complaint, a case was registered and Jain was arrested, but later released.