Walt Disney Pictures and Pixar Animation Studios’ Elemental (dubbed from the Hollywood film of the same name; animation) is about the elements of Fire and Water.

Fire elements Bernie and Cinder Lumen live in Element City with daughter Ember. They run a convenience story called Fireplace. Bernie wants to give the store to Ember when he retires, but she must first learn to control her fiery temper. It is this very temper which causes a pipe burst that floods the store basement and summons Wade Ripple, a Water element and city inspector. Wade submits the violation report of the faulty plumbing to his Air element employer.

The employer gives Ember and Wade a tight deadline to find the source of the floods and seal the leakage if they want the store to not be shut down. Even while Wade and Ember try to do all they can to save the store, they realise that they love each other. But how can Fire and Water live together? Can they even touch each other?

Peter Sohn, John Hoberg, Kat Likkel and Brenda Hsueh have written a very imaginative story which is quite engaging too. The screenplay, penned by John Hoberg, Kat Likkel and Brenda Hsueh, is interesting and has its moments of fun and drama with even some emotions. The dialogues, especially the play of words, are first-rate.

Voice acting is quite good. Peter Sohn’s direction is lovely. Thomas Newman’s music is appealing. Cinematography — by David Bianchi and Jean-Claude Kalache — is of a high standard. Stephen Schaffer’s editing is sharp. Dubbing is good.

On the whole, Elemental is a well-made film but its business (in India) will be below the mark because it is an animation fare and that too, not of a well-known franchise.

Released on 23-6-’23 at Metro Inox (3D; daily 1 show) and other cinemas of Bombay by UTV Software Communications Ltd. Publicity & opening: poor. …….Also released all over. Opening was weak everywhere.