Zee Studios, Boney Kapoor, Arunava Joy Sengupta and Akash Chawla’s Maidaan has a new release date. It will hit the screens on Dassera 2021 (Oct. 15). The film, starring Ajay Devgan in the role of a football coach, was scheduled to release on 27th November this year but the release plans went awry due to the lockdown because of which the film’s shooting had to be postponed. In July this year, its release was rescheduled to the Independence Day week next year (Aug. 13, 2021). But the new release date is now Oct. 15, 2021. The film will be shot now in a long schedule on a huge set of a football stadium. It is being directed by Amit Ravindernath Sharma. Priyamani plays the female lead. Others in the cast are Gajraj Rao and Rudranil Ghosh. The film, inspired by a true story, is based on a screenplay by Saiwyn Quadros. It has dialogues by Ritesh Shah.