The Kerala police arrested Thrissur-based businessman Boby Chemmanur at a resort in Wayanad early on January 8 following allegations made by a Malayalam film actress of sexually coloured remarks made by him against her. The actress complained that Boby insulted her at the inauguration of a jewellery showroom in Kannur and made obscene remarks at another event.
The arrest happened in less than 24 hours after a case was registered following a detailed confidential statement she provided to the Ernakulam first class judicial magistrate. Chemmanur will be presented before a magistrate in Kochi today (January 9).
Sixty-two-year-old Boby is the director of Chemmanur International Jewellers and founder of Life Vision Charitable Trust. He also ran across Kerala to promote awareness about blood donation. He is very popular on social media too.
The same actress has also filed a cyber attack complaint with the police. The case involves around 30 persons and centres around sexist comments directed at her on social media.