Actor Rajesh Puri had a narrow escape from a kidnap attempt in Delhi on 8th September. The actor was invited as chief guest for an event in Delhi. The ‘organisers’ sent him air tickets from Bombay to Delhi and received him at the Delhi airport. It is only when he sat in the car to be taken to the hotel that Rajesh sensed danger. Not still sure about what was happening, the actor was alerted after almost an hour-and-a-half that he was going to be kidnapped.

Luckily for Puri, the kidnappers had a change of heart — either because they sensed that he had got wind of their plans or for some other reason — and actually dropped him back at Delhi airport. Rajesh Puri returned to Bombay, thanking the Almighty and the person who had hinted to him while he was having lunch, en route to the hotel, that it was an attempt to abduct him.

Rajesh Puri has chosen to not file a complaint “as they had the decency to not harm me and let me go without any fuss”.