An RPF team of South East Central Railway’s said on January 18 that it had detained a suspect in the attack on actor Saif Ali Khan from the general coach of the LTT-Shalimar Jnaneswari Express at Durg railway station in Chhattisgarh. Akash Kannaujiya, a resident of Bombay, was allegedly fleeing to his relative’s home at Janjgir-Champa district, around 180 kms. from Durg, when he was nabbed by the RPF following an intelligence alert from the Bombay police.
A Bombay police team is on its way to question Kannaujiya. Akash’s picture was developed on the basis of CCTV footage of Saif’s building and other neighbouring premises. This was shared with security forces and police units all over the country, along with the cell phone number and its IMEI code.